It’s HOLIDAY SEASON at Rushton Stables!

Dec 23, 2022

Our Rushton Stables Holiday Party was a blast!

Santa came to the stables! Everyone got in on photos with The Big Guy, there was plenty of holiday cheer to go around and the food and refreshments were flowing.

Not only did everyone have a grand time, we also had our annual Stall Decorating Contest! With photos posted on Facebook, we let our fans and followers vote and it was a smashing success.

Jingle Belle, decorated by Hannah Nysse

Boo’s Stall, decorated by Nathania Lie & Lucinda Sastrawinata
Cy’s Stall, decorated by Erica Kemp

RUSHTON STABLES, Inc. | 18255 Ida Leona Rd., Gavilan Hills, CA 92570

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